
At Mekeel, we believe that academics are the study of God's World and therefore are in a constant pursuit of excellence in our instructional methods, course offerings, and chosen curricula. By placing a huge emphasis on professional development, our teachers are exposed to the latest educational research and methods. This knowledge, paired with years of experience of what works day-to-day in the classroom, helps our teachers create a learning environment that is highly engaging and a blend of more traditional educational practices, with student-centered learning that affords Mekeel's learners with choices daily that make learning personal and motivating.
All instruction is provided by teachers who love the Lord and are actively living out their faith, so a biblical worldview permeates each unit. Thus, science is the study of God's creation where we learn of the vast evidence of his hand in all we see around us. History is the story of what God has done and is doing in the world. Literature helps us see people as Jesus does as we grow in empathy and learn from the successes and failures of others, true or fictional. Mathematics teaches us of the order and pattern with which our world was created. The arts allow us to demonstrate the creativity God has placed in us as we're made in his image. Bible is also an academic subject as our students wrestle with the truths of God's Word, examining multiple viewpoints and growing in biblical intellectualism so that their faith has roots and they cannot be easily swayed by the teachings of the world. We're proud of the educational program we've built and are building at Mekeel and are excited to continue to allow our methods to evolve in our culture of continuous improvement- both for our students and ourselves as educators.