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Preschool Schedule

What does a typical day look like for our preschoolers look like?
Below is a sample of what a typical day could look like for our preschool children.
8:00 – 8:30 am: Arrival: unpack, free play and centers
8:45 am: Morning Meeting: Circle Time - calendar, weather, music and movement, lesson/story time, and introduce the project for the day.
9:10 am: Gym or recess (depending on day)
9:40 am: Snack
10:00 am: Projects during centers and free play
10:45 am: Gym or recess (depending on day)
11:15 am: Bible and prayer
11:40 am: Lunch
12:10 pm: Outdoor walk or indoor activity (weather permitting)
12:30 pm: Clean Up, Make Beds, bathroom and stories.
12:45 – 2:30 pm: Rest time
1:30 pm: Quiet centers and play as children start to wake up
2:45 pm: Pack up to go home
3:00 pm: Dismissal
3:00 – 4:30 pm: Aftercare: Free play
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